
Regina City Jamia Masjid is making a significant stride by purchasing this 1910 McIntyre Street building in the heart of downtown Regina to covert a much-needed masjid and Islamic school. This move acknowledges the growing Muslim community in Regina and next generation. In'Sha'Allah, the new facility will satisfy the growing needs of the Regina Muslim Community. Allah has chosen to build you a House in Jannah - Will you accept? Donate

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Islamic Celebrations and Festivals services

Regina City Jamia Masjid hosts vibrant Islamic celebrations and festivals, fostering community spirit and unity. During Eid al-Fitr and Eid al-Adha, the mosque organizes special prayers, festive gatherings, and communal meals, creating a joyous atmosphere for families to come together and celebrate. These events showcase Islamic traditions and values while providing opportunities for community members to connect, share, and express gratitude. Through colorful festivities and cultural activities, the mosque strengthens bonds among Muslims in Regina, promoting a sense of belonging and solidarity. These celebrations enrich the religious and cultural fabric of the community, spreading happiness and goodwill.