
Regina City Jamia Masjid is making a significant stride by purchasing this 1910 McIntyre Street building in the heart of downtown Regina to covert a much-needed masjid and Islamic school. This move acknowledges the growing Muslim community in Regina and next generation. In'Sha'Allah, the new facility will satisfy the growing needs of the Regina Muslim Community. Allah has chosen to build you a House in Jannah - Will you accept? Donate

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Volunteering Opportunity

Volunteering at Regina City Jamia Masjid offers the Muslim community a unique opportunity to engage in meaningful Islamic service, enriching their spiritual lives while benefiting others. By dedicating time and effort to the masjid, you participate in acts of worship that extend beyond personal prayer and reflection. These volunteer activities, such as organizing events, teaching Quranic classes, and assisting in community outreach, embody the principles of charity and service central to Islam. Engaging in such efforts not only strengthens your connection to the faith but also fosters a sense of unity and purpose within the community. The rewards of volunteering are profound, with countless blessings promised in the hereafter for those who serve selflessly. Your involvement helps create a vibrant, supportive environment for all members, ensuring the masjid remains a thriving center of spiritual growth and communal support. Join us in this noble endeavor, and experience the joy and fulfillment that come from giving back to the community and earning the pleasure of Allah. Become a volunteer at Regina City Jamia Masjid today, and take a significant step toward enhancing your spiritual journey and securing eternal rewards.